Have you noticed the Beautie Brownie takeover that's happening in the magazine world for September 2015? Literally, 8 of the most popular magazines have featured brown skinned women on the cover, and we clap to that!
This is a victory for brown skinned women all around the world, because this is really the first time such huge magazines so openly and proudly have had so much melanin splattered across their front pages, and all at once! We are so excited for what's to come for Beautie Brownies, because THIS is definitely the start of a movement in the entertainment industry! See below for a quick read for all these magazines, and click link for the full article!

On the way she has changed the game: “My dad taught us to have early preparation. I notice the other girls have similar preparations to mine, and I’m like, ‘Hmmm … well, you don’t want to admit where you got that from, right?’ ”

“She came to understand that “Queen Latifah” had become a brand. “It was a thriving entity,” she marvels. “And when I saw the positive ways it could be used, I was like, OK. Just know every once in a while I’m going to eff up.”

"I'm going to continue to be who I am and my experiences as a Black woman have made me who I am," says Copeland. "All of a sudden now that I am in this position, I'm not going to say 'I'm just a dancer.' It's a huge deal because I'm a Black woman. That's why it's a big deal."

“The word diva is used for so many female performers, and it often means they have reputations for being difficult, but she exudes charm and a lovable quality.”

"I truly believe that if you put your goals in writing, speak them out loud, and work for them, they will happen."

Though she and the other Scandal actresses have made regular hikes around Los Angeles a group ritual, pilates is Washington’s anchor. “There are a lot of forms of exercise where you have to leave yourself out of the room while you force yourself to do this thing,” she explains. “With pilates, I get to bring my true self. I cry, I laugh. I get to go: Where is my body today? What do I need today? How can I take care of myself and push myself past my comfort zone? How can I be both loving and challenging?”

“I want to make things that have an impact on how we look at the world. I know it’s a tall glass to fill, but it’s a glass that really does need to be filled, as an African American woman”

On Her Style:
She describes her sense of fashion as, “Shabby, because on some days when you see me I look like a hobo, I have my Uggs on and no makeup, fresh face and a ponytail. When I clean up though, I clean up. Very chic with clean lines, not too much, simple.”